Thursday, December 29, 2011

When You Wish Upon A Star

Joy!! So I received a call on Wednesday from Disneyland! They are having me come to an audition/second interview for Innoventions! I am unbelievably excited! I was so giddy after they called. I was beginning to lose it being on that waiting list. Now we just need to find a place to live! I can't wait for the audition though. I have been researching the work at Innoventions and it looks pretty fun, especially because it has a lot of guest interaction and acting experience is a plus! I think it pays more too since its technically entertainment? I am not sure but I would work at Disneyland for nothing if I didn't need to pay rent. Speaking of money, this next week we are donating plasma. I am nervous about the needles but not nervous about the extra 40 bucks!
Well there is my little update!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011


perfectly white paper, notebooks, post its. i love the possibilities they have.

these are the bane of my existence. when they start showing up around christmas i am done for. i cant stop eating one once i have started. i have to remind myself they arent real oranges.

i love shopping. i love keeping my purchases in the bags for a few days and setting them by my closet. then i look at them fondly before i have to put the new things in their respective places.

peeling glue of my skin is one of my most favorite things to do. i know its gross but i love when skin peels after a sunburn so this is a healthier way of getting that feeling right?

glass pebbles are lovely. i love all kinds of small jewel like things or stones that i can collect. they are pretty and remind me of having an actual treasure chest of jewels.

last night Ellesse, Tyler and I watched Amelie (finally!)
in this movie they introduced people by listing their likes and dislikes. small and detailed things particularly. in spirit of this Ellesse and I talked on the way home about our likes and dislikes and in honor of trying to be truly me this coming year these are my likes. ill do dislikes later when i feel like being negative!

fill me up

i want to make some short cake and berries and whip cream. doesnt that sound delicious?

plain and simple pasta with cream and garlic. amazing. dinner this week?

fruit! all this week i have felt like my body was craving something healthy and i think i finally figured out that its fruit! store trip tomorrow for some berries, bananas and other tasty sugary fruits! plus some milk. i think that looks lovely on the side.

what have you done for me lately

simple sandals, polka dots and oxfords.
going to have to search for these.

the game is on

well here we are. in utah. in salt lake. staying at aarons moms until further notice. no jobs. nothing.
actually that isnt entirely true. we went down to anaheim as planned, applied and interviewed within three days and it went very well and now we are officially on the waiting list! so now we play the waiting game and boy is it just a little bit nerve racking! its scary not having a job as i have had a steady one every since i was 17. i dont know how we are going to do this. i am terrifed. i dont know if we will start soon or if we will have to find other jobs until we hear from disneyland? how will we find an apartment? will aaron find a good job? will we be able to afford our new apartment if we find one? these are the questions that clog my brain every night before i sleep and every morning when i wake. i am thinking optimistically however. i am always trying to imagine everything going swimmingly and working at disneyland and aaron finding a job etc. i know that i wont be kicked for risking something or for going after a dream. especially when i have wanted to do this for so long. i just know its the right path. it feels right.

well there it is. ill update again on the journey soon :) wish us luck!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

christmas time-happy time

Just some pictures of decorations I would do in our new apartment if we could!
Christmas time is here! It is December the 1st and 24 days until Christmas! This years Christmas will be very different from my other Christmas memories. Aaron will be heading down to California on the 22nd of December which means we will just barely be getting settled into our place when the 25th hits! So probably just enough time to put up our tiny tree and decorate it!
We will most likely be working that day if everything goes according to plan...(when does it ever??)
Although if we had Christmas off and some extra money to spare, my ideal Christmas day would be waking up to the tree and having a delicious breakfast in or out. Hot Chocolate and holiday music and movies and maybe a movie? Ideally we would have enough money and time and the means to come back to Salt Lake and stay for Christmas but you can't have everything you want! BUT sometimes you can.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

im on the right track baby

here i am in my bed in aarons house without an apartment and all my stuff packed away in his moms garage and nothing hanging up and nothing settled. but you know? it feels right. i thought i would feel much more strange than this. but something tells me...that little beat in my heart and the small voice in my head...something tells me that i am in the proper place at the proper time. that this path is the correct one. dont look back or turn around. dont get off the wrong exit. this is the road. keep driving.

also if i could. id love to thank Aaron particularly. for all his hard work. this is right and he is right.

A very life changing and abnormal one
I did! By making this huge change!
Yes and no
Hopefully Aaron?
nope, I very much like my chicken and turkey thank you
just today i kissed my love
no but i am pining after babies lately
it will be Friday and then.... im truly hoping Disneyland pays the next one
the cheapest
poor but i think its a state of mind
oh good gravy i don't remember
if i remembered i would!
never and never will thanks
with my whole heart i am
see above
i really do
thousands and more. life is really different right now
who wouldn't??
high school is done and some college is behind me
all the subjects were fun and pretty easy except for math
yes sir
oh gosh, do i have to choose any of them?
im just tired basically
im in bed as we speak!
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
christmas music!
no dvd player but doctor who is all over my iphone right now

Monday, November 21, 2011

Is This Real Life?

I'll be out of Salt Lake City in 2 weeks! I can't believe it. I'm praying to the universe this works. Please. Please. Please.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

oh what joy is this

Today was an all day work event! Eight in the morning till nine at night! I shouldn't complain as Aaron has been working 12-14 hour days all week. On to more exciting things however....

I am going to continue with some things I am grateful for as it is Thanksgiving here in just a bit.

-Singing Austin to sleep today. I am so grateful I had the chance to take care of this sweet little soul. He has taught me so much. After a bath today we stood in his room and I sang him my favorite Disney songs. He just looked at me and smiled with his sweet little eyes. I cannot wait to have children and Austin has shown me how wonderful it can be.

-Getting to the cash register to buy something you have been waiting to buy for months is wonderful. Knowing you have the money and its about to be in YOUR closet is a top feeling for me personally. But! What is even better? Having the item be way less in price than you expected! That happened to me a couple times today. I wouldn't say I am all about material goods but a cute sweater is definitely something to be thankful for.

-Aaron. What can I say about him? He is my best friend. This week he went out and surprised me with a new battery for my scooter. I didn't see it coming and it meant so much to me. I hope I never get tired of these little things he does for me to show me he cares. He is my best friend and I am so excited to see the kinds of things he does in California. I have a feeling he is going to flourish there.

-My family! I say this a lot but really.
I am grateful for my mom for finding an apartment for us and for really helping me with the things in life that are important. Even from far away she makes life so easy. To me she is fearless and I want to get better at being that way.
My dad is such a sweet heart. Life has been strange lately in that my step mom and my sister do not get a long. He has been doing a good job lately of not forcing a relationship between us and her and I think, though it should have been like that from the beginning...its better late than never. But he is always checking up on me and making sure I am alright and he has been so supportive about California.
Lauren! What can I say! She is a hoot. My best buddy and fellow dreamer. We may not always get a long but when we get a long? We really get a long:)

-The job at Disneyland. I know I don't have it yet. I don't even have an interview! But here is the thing. I am ready. I am making the jump. I am changing my life drastically. This has been in the works for SO long. I am finally doing it and I know the universe has heard me. It is seeing and aware that I am taking the necessary steps to live out a dream and I always believe that people who take risks are rewarded. If it is not my time for this than it is not my time. But I won't dare regret the decision I made to follow a dream. How could I?

-Good friends. Ellesse and Tyler have been my steady friends this summer and I am so grateful for that. I have a feeling no matter what directions my life take those two will always be in my life.

-Improvinators! My last performance is tomorrow. I am so sad about it. How amazing that I was able to a part of a troupe of hilarious actors? Improv and sketch comedy are what I want to do as my career and it was just what I needed to make me feel confident and ready for it. I hope that I can do it in my life professionally and if not than I hope I can always come back and perform with them. I am so happy I was a part of it.

well thats all for now folks!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A more certain uncertain future:)

We have a future apartment on hold for us! I am beyond happy! We can move in on the 21st! It's going to be a but strange not having a home for a whole but we can work through it! Anyways, I just wanted to share the good news!!! Hurray!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

to add to the closet

Things about me I know for sure

When you are young it is true that you are still finding out things about yourself. Right now however I have figured out some things about myself that I know for sure.
1. I'm not good at listening to directions. I prefer to learn by doing. For example.... Whenever I am learning to play a new board game, which happens often with Aarons family, I totally tune out the directions and I find I learn quickly by watching everyone else play and then trying myself.
2. I am good at first impressions. Not to be pompous but I have heard this from many people and I know I am because I make sure of it.
3. I am good at seeing both sides in anything.
4. I respect people's religions and their beliefs. I may not agree but I will not argue with you or fight you on anything or try to make you see my point of view. Religion is a very personal thing and I know some people really need it and I respect that.
5. I love ice cream.
6. I love simplicity in my life. I don't want a big house or a car or tons of extra things. People and memories are what are most important.
7. I'm still getting totally comfortable with being me. I am learning to love all the different parts of my personality and I'm getting better at showing it to others.
8. I can't wait to have a baby. Seriously.
9. I love making people laugh. I love being goofy. Improv is what I want to do with my whole life. I dream of being on Saturday Night Live or having a career like Catherine Tate. I know it's my calling.
10. I do not smoke or drink. Not because I think it's devilish but because I do not like what those things turn people into. I like to hold myself to high standards:)

Those are just a couple things I know for sure. I'm sure there is more and of course there is much more I'm still figuring out!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Things I Am Thankful For

My gloves! I found out that layering two of my gloves works in keeping me warm and my hands still functional!
Grass laundry fragrance from H&H.... It's so amazing how good it makes my clothes smell! I'm going to have to stock up before California.
Movies... I am getting so excited for all the movies coming out lately. I love seeing them all with my sister and getting in for free since she works there!
Floss... Ive been so good for the past year. I hope my gums are feelin it.
79 cent pot pies... I know it sounds gross but these things are delicious and filling and most importantly... Cheap!
My legs and feet... Walking home today made me appreciate the fact that I CAN walk!
Hair extensions! I love them. I don't care how superficial they are... I enjoy my long fake hair!

That's all for now! I'll post again about being grateful since it's the month of Thanksgiving after all!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today has been strange. I'm really happy with myself and the person I am and though I am not perfect I know that's it's okay. Today however, I realized that I don't have very many friends that would call me a best friend. I have a couple who I'm really close to but they have other people they are even closer to. Anyways, I just felt kind of lonely and sad. I know I have my family and my sister and Aaron, but sometimes I wish I had another person that called me their number one that wasn't obligated to. California will be a nice place to make some more friends I think. Maybe I was just bored today though. Enough of the pity party! I packed today and got a lot of clothes boxed up which is a huge deal because I have way too many clothes. Also, I got some calls about the couch I am selling. Hopefully some one buys it! Well, that's all for today:) I promise my next posts won't be such downers!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Quickly Before I Leave

- I love behind the scenes photos of Who.

To Buy

- I do not care how many people have these stupid Longchamp bags....I want one!! Its perfectly simple and big enough for the multitude of things I usually carry in the fall like gloves, extra hats and various other essentials I don't bring a long in the summer.

- Polka Dot tights! I am ordering these exact ones with my next pay check. How fantastic are they?! I plan on wearing these with every skirt I own. All I need are some chunky heeled shoes!

- Tweed Jacket!So I can dress up as the eleventh doctor discreetly in every day life. H&M has a really great and relatively cheap one for sale. Hopefully it will be at the new store opening up this week in Murray.

Other things needed for fall and winter wardrobe is...

- New glasses. I am thinking big, round and bright pink. I am getting a little tired of people commenting on my hipster ones. I actually need them!

- A big skirt like coat. Or any coat with beautiful detail that isn't too heavy. I won't be needing anything heavy in California!

- A pencil skirt. I just need a new one. I think I might buy a really gorgeous green one from Anthropologie soon and wear it for my California job hunt!

Well that's all on the fashion front for now folks!


Three Week Countdown

Dear me! Blogging is very hard without internet! Luckily I have found a great new place with free wifi and delicious coffee!
Well friends, all one of you (which is me), three weeks to go and it's California bound! Gosh I am terrified and excited. No place set to live just yet and no for sure job either! This is either going to be awesome or it's going to totally fail. Really hoping for the awesome. Anyways, here of course is what's on my mind today..

- Pinterest is a lifesaver! I am always so bored at work and it's the only thing that keeps me going.
- Doctor Who tattoo coming soon! I have decided to just let my nerd flag fly. Who cares what others think?
- Friends. I really hope I make some good ones in California. I feel like I don't have very many and there are a lot of reasons as to why but it makes me sad none the less.
- New clothes! I should stop buying clothes but honestly...I can't.