Wednesday, November 30, 2011

im on the right track baby

here i am in my bed in aarons house without an apartment and all my stuff packed away in his moms garage and nothing hanging up and nothing settled. but you know? it feels right. i thought i would feel much more strange than this. but something tells me...that little beat in my heart and the small voice in my head...something tells me that i am in the proper place at the proper time. that this path is the correct one. dont look back or turn around. dont get off the wrong exit. this is the road. keep driving.

also if i could. id love to thank Aaron particularly. for all his hard work. this is right and he is right.

A very life changing and abnormal one
I did! By making this huge change!
Yes and no
Hopefully Aaron?
nope, I very much like my chicken and turkey thank you
just today i kissed my love
no but i am pining after babies lately
it will be Friday and then.... im truly hoping Disneyland pays the next one
the cheapest
poor but i think its a state of mind
oh good gravy i don't remember
if i remembered i would!
never and never will thanks
with my whole heart i am
see above
i really do
thousands and more. life is really different right now
who wouldn't??
high school is done and some college is behind me
all the subjects were fun and pretty easy except for math
yes sir
oh gosh, do i have to choose any of them?
im just tired basically
im in bed as we speak!
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
christmas music!
no dvd player but doctor who is all over my iphone right now