these are the bane of my existence. when they start showing up around christmas i am done for. i cant stop eating one once i have started. i have to remind myself they arent real oranges.
peeling glue of my skin is one of my most favorite things to do. i know its gross but i love when skin peels after a sunburn so this is a healthier way of getting that feeling right?
glass pebbles are lovely. i love all kinds of small jewel like things or stones that i can collect. they are pretty and remind me of having an actual treasure chest of jewels.
in this movie they introduced people by listing their likes and dislikes. small and detailed things particularly. in spirit of this Ellesse and I talked on the way home about our likes and dislikes and in honor of trying to be truly me this coming year these are my likes. ill do dislikes later when i feel like being negative!