Thursday, December 29, 2011

When You Wish Upon A Star

Joy!! So I received a call on Wednesday from Disneyland! They are having me come to an audition/second interview for Innoventions! I am unbelievably excited! I was so giddy after they called. I was beginning to lose it being on that waiting list. Now we just need to find a place to live! I can't wait for the audition though. I have been researching the work at Innoventions and it looks pretty fun, especially because it has a lot of guest interaction and acting experience is a plus! I think it pays more too since its technically entertainment? I am not sure but I would work at Disneyland for nothing if I didn't need to pay rent. Speaking of money, this next week we are donating plasma. I am nervous about the needles but not nervous about the extra 40 bucks!
Well there is my little update!