Today was an all day work event! Eight in the morning till nine at night! I shouldn't complain as Aaron has been working 12-14 hour days all week. On to more exciting things however....
I am going to continue with some things I am grateful for as it is Thanksgiving here in just a bit.
-Singing Austin to sleep today. I am so grateful I had the chance to take care of this sweet little soul. He has taught me so much. After a bath today we stood in his room and I sang him my favorite Disney songs. He just looked at me and smiled with his sweet little eyes. I cannot wait to have children and Austin has shown me how wonderful it can be.
-Getting to the cash register to buy something you have been waiting to buy for months is wonderful. Knowing you have the money and its about to be in YOUR closet is a top feeling for me personally. But! What is even better? Having the item be way less in price than you expected! That happened to me a couple times today. I wouldn't say I am all about material goods but a cute sweater is definitely something to be thankful for.
-Aaron. What can I say about him? He is my best friend. This week he went out and surprised me with a new battery for my scooter. I didn't see it coming and it meant so much to me. I hope I never get tired of these little things he does for me to show me he cares. He is my best friend and I am so excited to see the kinds of things he does in California. I have a feeling he is going to flourish there.
-My family! I say this a lot but really.
I am grateful for my mom for finding an apartment for us and for really helping me with the things in life that are important. Even from far away she makes life so easy. To me she is fearless and I want to get better at being that way.
My dad is such a sweet heart. Life has been strange lately in that my step mom and my sister do not get a long. He has been doing a good job lately of not forcing a relationship between us and her and I think, though it should have been like that from the beginning...its better late than never. But he is always checking up on me and making sure I am alright and he has been so supportive about California.
Lauren! What can I say! She is a hoot. My best buddy and fellow dreamer. We may not always get a long but when we get a long? We really get a long:)
-The job at Disneyland. I know I don't have it yet. I don't even have an interview! But here is the thing. I am ready. I am making the jump. I am changing my life drastically. This has been in the works for SO long. I am finally doing it and I know the universe has heard me. It is seeing and aware that I am taking the necessary steps to live out a dream and I always believe that people who take risks are rewarded. If it is not my time for this than it is not my time. But I won't dare regret the decision I made to follow a dream. How could I?
-Good friends. Ellesse and Tyler have been my steady friends this summer and I am so grateful for that. I have a feeling no matter what directions my life take those two will always be in my life.
-Improvinators! My last performance is tomorrow. I am so sad about it. How amazing that I was able to a part of a troupe of hilarious actors? Improv and sketch comedy are what I want to do as my career and it was just what I needed to make me feel confident and ready for it. I hope that I can do it in my life professionally and if not than I hope I can always come back and perform with them. I am so happy I was a part of it.
well thats all for now folks!