Thursday, May 3, 2012

Seeing this movie tonight at midnight! I just know its going to be so good!

I have lots to update about life so I am going to do this in bullets, it is much easier and faster too!

  • moved into apartment in Old Towne Orange. It is seriously the best little apartment and the best neighborhood. Lots of restaurants and shopping all locally owned. 
  • working at Disneyland is really great so far. different than i thought it would be but amazing just the same. i am meeting a lot of  great people and i am hoping it stays this way!
  • aaron was hired at Disneyland too! so happy for him. he really likes it so far and its nice to both be making money again!
  • my dad came to visit us here in California and we went to Disneyland all together and to the San Diego Zoo! it was a blast and i miss him already.
  • My dearest mum is living close to us!! she was transferred to California and is liking it so far. I cant wait to visit her more often once we get a bit more financially stable.
well there is the quick update. now that we have internet at our house i expect i will be much better at updating!!